![]() Grace to you and Peace!
Thank you for the many ways in which you support the mission and ministries of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. “Walk in Love” is the inspiration for our St. Paul’s 2024-2025 Annual Giving Campaign. The celebrant recites these familiar words from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians during the offertory. They are an invitation to imitate Christ in our love for one another. What does it mean, for us at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Oakland, to walk in love? At church, we show up, worship, sing, pray, work, eat and laugh together. In our daily lives together, we work with our children, feed our hungry neighbors, help folks who are struggling, and try to make our neighborhoods safer. To walk in love is to walk together, in community, loving God and our neighbors. Our gifts of time, talent and treasure make the ministries of St. Paul’s possible. The enclosed narrative budget tells the story of how we fund our budget and allocate our financial and other resources to enable ministry. We invite you to invest yourself through the resources that God has given you in the work to which God has called us. We prayerfully request that you complete both sides of the attached Giving Form at your earliest convenience and send it by email to [email protected]. Paper forms (available in the church narthex), may place the paper form in the offering plate, or mailed to the church office. Submit your Giving Form NOW,
HOW TO DONATEWe appreciate all donations, and thank you in advance for supporting St. Paul's!
You may make a one-time gift or weekly, monthly, quarterly, timed as you wish.
at St. Paul's, All Are welcome.
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114 Montecito Avenue Oakland, CA 94610 | 510 834 4314 | [email protected]
Our baptismal vow is to seek and serve Christ in others.