![]() Why does St. Paul's need to know what my giving will be in 2025?
We hope that each of you will plan to make a financial gift to St. Paul’s in 2024. Stating your gift helps our vestry, our parish's governing board, plan for the use of our resources in support of the mission and ministry to which God has called us. The Vestry sets a budget based on the total amount of revenue we expect to receive. Gifts from our parishioners represent the greatest share of our total revenue, and have the largest impact on what we can fund in the coming year. The Giving Campaign includes asking everyone to describe their intention You can support St. Paul's mission and ministries by completing a 2025 Giving Form. Complete the form, save and email to [email protected], or print it out and return it to the church in person or by mail. If you prefer paper forms, they can be found in the narthex or obtained from the office. Is my promise confidential? Yes. Your name and the amount is known only to our bookkeeper. The Giving Campaign committee will be informed of your intention or gift, but not the amount, so they can acknowledge it. What if my financial situation changes and I am not able to fulfill my intention? We completely understand if you need to adjust your giving. Please let our bookkeeper know at [email protected]. Is my gift tax deductible? Yes. St. Paul’s is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, tax ID # 94-1243684. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. |
Please consider making a promise, or statement of intent, to support the ministries of St. Paul’s in 2025, downloadable HERE. Complete the fillable pdf on your phone or computer, save, and email it to [email protected]or print and bring it to church at any service. |
at St. Paul's, All Are welcome.
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114 Montecito Avenue Oakland, CA 94610 | 510 834 4314 | [email protected]
Our baptismal vow is to seek and serve Christ in others.