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Rector |
Emeritus Archdeacon & Canon
Fr. Wilson, who also answers to Fr. Mauricio, became rector at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in October 2009. Since arriving in the Bay Area to serve at St. Paul’s he has also been active in ministries around Oakland and the Diocese of California. As the rector of St. Paul’s, he holds ex-officio seats on the Board of Clausen House in Oakland and St Paul’s Episcopal School. He is a member of the Governing Board of the National Association of Episcopal Schools and former member of the Board of Trustees of the CDSP. In addition he is the Western Regional Director of the Union of Black Episcopalians.
He served on the Executive Council of the Diocese, the Program and Budget Committee and chaired the Assessment Relief Committee, as well as the Diocesan Committee on Nominations. Fr. Wilson was a Mayoral appointee to the City of Oakland’s Citizens Police Review Board and served as a Commissioner for 2016 and 2017. A lifelong Episcopalian, he is the child of deeply committed church leaders, his mother serves as a multidimensional lay leader of her parish and his father (R.I.P.) was Bishop of Costa Rica. Fr. Mauricio started preaching at age 17, and was Youth Director of the Diocese of Costa Rica for 15 years. A business and accounting major at the University of Costa Rica, he was a registered CPA in his home country, eventually working as an auditor for Coopers Lybrand Accounting, the Coca Cola Co. and for a private bank. “My first calling was always to the priesthood,” said Fr. Wilson, who is bilingual in English and Spanish. “Accounting was my backup plan.” He attained the Doctor of Ministry degree in Ministry Development from Virginia Theological Seminary in 2013, as well as Master's degrees in Divinity and Sacred Theology (Liturgy) from General Theological Seminary in 2000 and 2001 respectively. His wife Karla is a Doctor of Mechanical Engineering, and they have two children. His hobbies include cooking (his kids love his Thanksgiving lasagna), collecting wines and driving different kinds of vehicles. He’s looking forward to learning to drive an 18-wheeler and a race car someday. His favorite book is Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons and he figures he’s seen his favorite movie, The Matrix, 150 times. [email protected] |
The Venerable Canon Carolyn Bolton is Archdeacon Emeritus and Canon of the Diocese of California and brings a long history of ministry to those in need that predates her ordination in 2005. She's been a social services coordinator at the Oak Center Towers affordable senior housing complex; worked for the Boys & Girls Club of Oakland for more than 20 years, and was the Day Labor Coordinator and Diamond Youth Shelter Coordinator at the Larkin Street Youth Center.
She helps seniors with basic emergency needs, food from the weekly produce market in St. Paul’s Parish Hall, and feeds our neighbors twice/month with the food pantry, St. Paul's Pantry of Hope. She's a board member on St. Mary’s Center and Secretary, Aging Service of California, Season of Sharing Alameda County, Summit Health Ministry, and Area Agency on Aging Round Table. Archdeacon Bolton was born and raised a Baptist in Oakland, and joined the Episcopal Church when she married her husband, Howard, in 1980. She has three adult children and three grandchildren. [email protected] |
Assisting Priest
The Rev. Christian Harding
Rev. Christian Harding had a long career in the ministry in his native Liberia, surviving the African nation’s civil war, before retiring to California and joining St. Paul’s as assisting clergy in 2004.
He is often the celebrant at the 8 a.m. Sunday service. Ordained in Liberia in 1981, Father Christian served in a number of capacities, at one time supervising 125 congregations and 110 priests. He was rector at St. Paul’s church in Liberia and served as a curate at Trinity Cathedral in Monrovia. He was a teacher and principal at an Episcopal school for 21 years before his ordination. During the war, which started in 1998, his wife and six children left the country in search of safety. Born on Christmas Day in 1933, he was one of 12 children in what he describes as a strict family. He allows that he’s had to make adjustments to the American church. "When I was preaching, I’d preach for 40 to 45 minutes. Here, you sometimes have to quell the spirit, and not go over 15 minutes.” Now a widower, his hobbies include reading, listening to classical music and playing piano to amuse himself. He has many grandchildren, mostly on the East Coast, and one great-grandchild in Sacramento. ”I like quietness,” he says. ”I run from rowdy people.” |
Assisting Priest
The Rev. Linda McConnellBIO TO COME.
The Venerable Rev. Gary England
The Rev. Gary Wm England was ordained Deacon in the Diocese of Kentucky August 12, 2011, and became canonically resident in the Diocese of California in 2020. He lives in Leona Heights in the Oakland Hills with his husband, John Reliford. Deacon Gary has three adult children Ana, James, and Adrian and one grandchild Theodore. Deacon Gary is a native of Alabama and until his relocation to the Bay Area in 2018, he lived in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina and Tennessee. He is an attorney and is admitted to the bar in all these states and is now Registered In-House Counsel in California. Gary retired as General Counsel of a large private investment firm in June 2018 but continues to work as an arbitrator and as GC and HR Consultant for a few long-term clients.
In addition to liturgical duties at St. Paul’s, Deacon Gary is President of the board of trustees for The School for Deacons and is involved in various ministries for DioCal and General Convention. “I requested our bishop assign me to St. Paul’s after seeking permission from Fr. Mauricio and the blessing of long-serving deacon at St. Paul’s, The Ven. Canon Carolyn Bolton. I was drawn to St. Paul’s because it was apparent to me that from clergy to parishioners, the people of St. Paul’s walk the talk of the Love of Jesus in our world.” |
Director of MusicBenjamin Bachmann, MMus, FAGOSt. Paul’s is thrilled to welcome Mr. Benjamin Bachmann as Director of Music at St. Paul’s. Ben comes to St. Paul’s after serving as Canon Director of Music at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco for 17 years.
Ben is a native of Akron, Ohio. Born into a musical family, he started piano lessons at age five, served as a chorister from a young age, and received his first organ training there with Robert Quade. Ben received the Emilie Spivey Scholarship at Clayton College and State University in Atlanta, Georgia, where he studied organ with Richard Morris. After completing his undergraduate degree in music, he served as Assistant Director of Music at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Atlanta, under Dr. Robert Poovey. Ben received his Master’s Degree at the Royal College of Music, where he studied with Margaret Phillips. At the Royal College, he was the recipient of the Walford Davies Organ Prize in 2004. During his time in London, Ben was Organ Scholar at St. Paul’s Knightsbridge and Farm Street Church. Ben was made a Fellow of the American Guild of Organists in 2008. Ben joined the staff at Grace Cathedral in 2005 as Assistant Director of Music and was installed as Canon Director of Music in 2010. Ben brings exceptional skill in organ playing, choral conducting of both professionals and volunteers, years of experience training young voices, composition, and a thorough knowledge of Anglican Church Music, the liturgical year, and the rites of the Episcopal church. His original compositions and arrangements have been performed internationally. In addition to his work as a musician in the Anglican tradition, he also enjoys playing piano, particularly American styles like jazz, ragtime, showtunes, and Gospel music. He is known to hold court at piano bars and sing-alongs. He also loves cooking and baking and hosts themed dinner parties, researching the history of recipes, and writing about his experiences. [email protected] |