Shrove Tuesday, February 13
St. Paul's Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 6:00-8:00 p.m. in-person only In the Parish Hall (116 Montecito, St. Paul's House, next door to the church) COME ONE, COME ALL! We’ll serve a traditional Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner with bacon, vegan sausage, coffee & juice and all the pancakes you can eat! There is always a gluten free pancake option. Come join the fun and go flippin' crazy! Suggested donation $3.00 for adults, $1.00 for kids. Ash Wednesday, February 14
Holy Eucharist 12:10p.m. in-person & streamed Ash Wednesday Holy Eucharist, with imposition of ashes and Eucharist, marking the beginning of Lent. ASHES TO GO will follow the service. Choral Eucharist 7:00p.m. in-person & streamed Ash Wednesday Choral Eucharist, with imposition of ashes and Eucharist, marking the beginning of Lent. With St. Paul's Choir. With St. Paul's Choir. Benjamin Bachmann, MMusic, FAGO, Director of Music. Weekdays (Mon-Fri) until Holy Week
12:10 p.m. Holy Eucharist in-person & streamed In the Chapel. Rite I, Book of Common Prayer. Wednesdays until Holy Week
Night Walks during Lent:
CHRIST IS RISEN! Celebrate with us! 8:00 a.m. HOLY EUCHARIST In the Church, or watch the stream on our Facebook Group page HERE Rite II, BCP. 10:00 a.m. FESTIVAL CHORAL EUCHARIST In the Church, or watch the stream on our Facebook Group page HERE Rite II, BCP. Sing-along to Handel's Hallelujah! Chorus (bring your score!) and your favorite hymns! With Choir and Organ. Benjamin Bachmann, MMusic, FAGO, Director of Music. MUSIC Prelude: At Eastertide, Charles Villiers Stanford Mass:Gloria S-278, Sanctus-S-128 Agnus Dei-S165 Gradual Psalm: 118, John Renke Offertory Anthem: Haec dies, Wllliam Byrd Communion Motet: Hallelujah! George Frideric Handel Hymns: H1982-207, LEVAS-219, H1982-200 Postlude: Toccata from Symphony No. 5, harles-Marie Widor 10:00 a.m. Children's Programs Bring your children for Easter! All programs for children will be available today. Mustard Seeds for younger children: in the Bride's Room. Faith Quest for ages 12 and under: ask an usher for location. Easter Egg Fair and Festive Brunch will follow the service. All are welcome! |
at St. Paul's, All Are welcome.
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Our baptismal vow is to seek and serve Christ in others.